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Video Art
Related Faculty
Assistant Professor, DXARTS
Latest News
- James Coupe's Swarm receives Prix Ars Electronica Honorary Mention (June 16, 2014)
- Graduate Student Ha Na Lee Among Vilcek Foundation Prize Winners (January 8, 2014)
- Yolande Harris' "Pink Noise" Shown At Madatac Festival Of New Media Arts In Madrid, Spain (December 18, 2013)
- James Coupe Exhibits "Swarm" At Toronto International Film Festival (Mocca, Toronto) (September 17, 2013)
- "Public And Provocative: Sanctum At The Henry" (June 16, 2013)
Past Events
- Tivon Rice, Models for Environmental Literacy, 2020, computer generated texts, 4K video, sound
- The Internet Is - Video Poem
- "MindTraffic" Glitched Music Video Short 2019
- RM-TNKRT "Prosumer" ASMR, Mukbang, glitched, music video
- an audio visual performance
- Tivon Rice, Environment Built for Absence(an unofficial/artificial sequel to J.G. Ballard's "High Rise"), 2018, computer generated text, video, neon
- Border Airport by Eleanor Jones, shown at SuperLux in Glasgow (UK), recorded in Nida (Lithuania), May 2018.
- Sangjun, Yoo
- AI in Arcadia by Eleanor Jones, Universität der Künste Berlin, July 2017.
- In between I have been: these/thoseand/orall/none it,has/been,wasat different and/or each of the same [type(s) (of)] time(s).
- Chanee Choi, Eating Myself, A performance video installation with a real-time performance, 2016
- Jarmick, Martin. Memoir II. Center for Digital Art & Experimental Media (DXARTS). 2016.
- Jarmick, Martin. I'll Make Myself A Memory. Center for Digital Art & Experimental Media (DXARTS). 2015.
- Confronting Us 2014
- Vestiges II ver.2, interactive multimedia installation by Ha Na Lee, CURRENTS: Santa Fe's Annual International New Media Festival, Santa Fe, NM (June - July 2014)
- Shores, Martin Jarmick / Stephanie Liapis, 2014
- Site Machines by Tivon Rice - Site Specific Multimedia Installation at Seattle’s Suyama Space - Live video, neon, kinetic sculpture, and sound
- Horizon is an Imaginary Line, Light and Sound Installation
- Face Swap, interactive video work by Robert Twomey. Meany Hall for the Performing Arts, Seattle (September 2013 - April 2014)
- Between This Image, Martin Jarmick, 2013
- Trębacz, Ewa, composer. "Interior Portrait". Dir. Robert Sowa. Animated Film Studio. Jan Matejko Academy of Fine Arts in Kraków, 2013. DVD.
- Sanctum, public art installation by James Coupe and Juan Pampin. Henry Art Gallery, Seattle (May 2013 - November 2015).
- Arcade Zero by Tivon Rice - Multimedia Installation at The Seoul Museum of Art's Nanji Gallery - Real-time audio and video, kinetic sculpture, video projection, neon
- Trębacz, Ewa. "Depth Modulation: Composing Motion in Immersive Audiovisual Spaces". Organised Sound 17.2 (2012): 156-162. Print.
- Errai. Immersive Audiovisual Space, for horn, soprano, and audiovisual immersive media, Ewa Trębacz (2009)
- "Sequence". Dir. Robert Sowa, photography Marcin Koszałka, music Ewa Trębacz. Action Animation - The Most Recent Films. National Audiovisual Institute NInA (Poland), 2008. DVD.
- Pampin, Juan. "OID". Susana Kasakoff, Piano Ex Machina. BAU Records, 2007. CD.
- Pampin, Juan. "Ética, Poética, Política: Apuntes sobre la composición de OID". Nuevas Poéticas de la Música Contemporánea Argentina. Ed. Pablo Fessel. Buenos Aires: Biblioteca Nacional Argentina, 2007. 245-253. Print.
- Death Valley by Eleanor Jones, Nida Art Colony, September 2016.
- Natural Language Processing AI project, Eleanor Jones, 2021
- "Untitled" American Dream Project
- Anniu the world saving ship
- Post Internet & Video Art
- up and down, 3 channel sound and 2 video channel instillation,(2018 ...)