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James Coupe's Swarm receives Prix Ars Electronica Honorary Mention

Submitted by Jacob M Lambert on June 16, 2014 - 5:39am

DXARTS faculty member James Coupe's Swarm has received an Honorary Mention in the Interactive Art category at Ars Electronica. The installation was selected by a panel including Óscar Abril Ascaso, Irini Papadimitriou, Enrique Rivera, Maholo Uchida and Michel van Dartel, and will be exhibited at the OK Museum of Contemporary Art in Linz, Austria in September.

Learn more about Swarm on the Prix Ars Electronica entry page and at To view a list of all the 2014 Prix Ars Electronica winners, see the press release at Ars Electronica website.

Prix Ars


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