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New Media
The Internet Is - Video Poem
"MindTraffic" Glitched Music Video Short 2019
RM-TNKRT "Prosumer" ASMR, Mukbang, glitched, music video
Chanee Choi, Polaris, OXBOW Seattle WA, 2018-19
Oseo (Skull)
Sangjun, Yoo
Sangjun, Yoo
Wind from Nowhere received an honorary mention in the sound art section of Prix Ars Electronica.
Sangjun, Yoo and Daniel E Roberts
Illusion premiered in the Gallery 4Culture in 2018.
In between I have been: these/thoseand/orall/none it,has/been,wasat different and/or each of the same [type(s) (of)] time(s).
Adam Hogan, silent forest, Bradbury Art Museum, 2017
Two Women, multimedia installation by Ha Na Lee
Jarmick, Martin. Memoir II. Center for Digital Art & Experimental Media (DXARTS). 2016.
Joel Ong
Vestiges II ver.2, interactive multimedia installation by Ha Na Lee, CURRENTS: Santa Fe's Annual International New Media Festival, Santa Fe, NM (June - July 2014)
distant light, interactive media installation
Solipsist, interactive artwork by Robert Twomey, (2012)
Inmi Lee, Kyle McDonald, Mother, 2012
"Untitled" American Dream Project
"Untitled"Java Manifesto Project
Kisic Aguirre, Nicolás. Realidad Mutada. 2022, Department of Digital Arts and Experimental Media, University of Washington Seattle.
Post Internet & Video Art
Chun Shao, May 2017