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Interactive Media
Past Events
Tivon Rice presents "Pattern Language 2-253" at the DXARTS Gallery -
October 1, 2024 to October 13, 2024
Esteban Agosin will be exhibiting the artwork " La Oreja" (The Ear) as part of the IN-SONORA Sound Art and Interactive Art Encounter in Madrid, Spain -
March 10, 2022
Flux Factory: Group Exhibition: Survival Tools for the Age of Ultra Anxiety -
November 4, 2021 to November 28, 2021
Manipulating memories: Archives, history and deepfakes -
September 17, 2020 to October 8, 2020
"Crotchets, Quavers...and Silicon Parchment," A Two-night Festival Of Interactive Art -
January 24, 2014
"Crotchets, Quavers...and Silicon Parchment," A Two-night Festival Of Interactive Art -
January 23, 2014
Sanctum Opening Reception -
May 24, 2013
Zhuodi Cai. 2024. 3Description: An Intuitive Human-AI Collaborative 3D Modeling Approach. In Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Digital and Interactive Arts (ARTECH '23). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, Article 32, 1–5.
La Casa de la 11, expanded performance and interactive multimedia installation in collaboration with Anaid Bohor
if i keep recalling it, something had to change... for drums and electronics, 2022
Chanee Choi, Polaris, OXBOW Seattle WA, 2018-19
Breana Tavaglione, Tavaglione Spirit Phone, UW DXARTS FabLab, 2018.
Sangjun, Yoo
Sangjun, Yoo
Sangjun, Yoo
Sangjun, Yoo and Daniel E Roberts
Chanee Choi, Eating Myself, A performance video installation with a real-time performance, 2016
The project consists of an interactive space, based on the concept of biofeedback.
-, website by Riah Buchanan (2015)
Whisper Mirror, Chun Shao, 2015
Vestiges II ver.2, interactive multimedia installation, CURRENTS: Santa Fe's Annual International New Media Festival, Santa Fe, NM, Ha Na Lee, 2014
distant light, interactive media installation
Face Swap, interactive video work by Robert Twomey. Meany Hall for the Performing Arts, Seattle (September 2013 - April 2014)
Venue: Sullivan Gallery, Chicago Media: Participatory Performance, Facetime application, Twitter Developer, Processing programing, Arduino Xbee, Wearable technology, SoundDuration: 4 hours
Sanctum, public art installation by James Coupe and Juan Pampin. Henry Art Gallery, Seattle (May 2013 - November 2015).
Solipsist, interactive artwork by Robert Twomey, (2012)
Pampin, Juan, Joel S. Kollin, and Eunsu Kang. "Applications of Ultrasonic Sound Beams in Performance and Sound Art". Proceedings of the joint 33rd International Computer Music Conference, Copenhagen, Denmark, (2007): 492-495. Print.
"Manifold" - an interactive immersive game In-progress, Eleanor Jones, 2021
Electro-Steel by Cameron Perry Fraser - Autum 2018.
The Two Passing Times, Yun Mi Her, 2016
Time and Time Again, an exhibition by Leo Nuñez & Juan Pampin
#pandemic 2020
Afroditi Psarra, Ventriloquist Ontology, 2021-22
Corn Broom + Arduino Un0 + Piezo + Sound Amplifier