This is an in-progress interactive 3D game, which explores a displacement of personal spaces that become public, considering experiences since the beginning of the COVID pandemic. It confronts the way real spaces may feel like a simulation and contain a trail of narratives - in how we remember and view our memories in space, through a vision of our media networked post-digital times, that insect into a new hyperreality. Using the space as a virtual sensory space with first-person interaction; the idea is to destabilize a participant. Partially inspired by Bruce Nauman’s work Going around the corner (1970) that explores disorientation of space; Samuel Beckett’s concept "the agony of perceivedness" from his 1964 film titled Film which regards the nature of spectacle, of perception, and of being perceived by self and others; and Henri Bergson's concept of the perception of "the image" in Matter and Memory. I aim to explore gamification and rules as an engagement mechanism.