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Assistant Professor
Assistant Professor, DXARTS
Latest News
- Leo Nuñez in residency at DXARTS (March 11, 2024)
- DXARTS collaborates with Ann Hamilton for her show the common S E N S E at the Henry Art Gallery (October 10, 2014)
- Robert Twomey's Convex Mirror featured in College of Arts & Sciences video series (June 20, 2014)
- David Dunn To Visit DXARTS On Monday, March 3 (February 14, 2014)
- Graduate Student Ha Na Lee Among Vilcek Foundation Prize Winners (January 8, 2014)
Past Events
- La Casa de la 11, expanded performance and interactive multimedia installation in collaboration with Anaid Bohor
- Chanee Choi, Polaris, OXBOW Seattle WA, 2018-19
- Tivon Rice, Environment Built for Absence(an unofficial/artificial sequel to J.G. Ballard's "High Rise"), 2018, computer generated text, video, neon
- Border Airport by Eleanor Jones, shown at SuperLux in Glasgow (UK), recorded in Nida (Lithuania), May 2018.
- Breana Tavaglione, Tavaglione Spirit Phone, UW DXARTS FabLab, 2018.
- Silicone Love - Her Garden, Chun Shao (2018)
- She Herself is a Haunted House, a dollhouse sound installation by Breana Tavaglione. California Institute of the Arts WaveCave, January 29th – February 5th, 2018.
- Sangjun, Yoo
- Sangjun, Yoo
- Wind from Nowhere received an honorary mention in the sound art section of Prix Ars Electronica.
- Sangjun, Yoo and Daniel E Roberts
- Illusion premiered in the Gallery 4Culture in 2018.
- AI in Arcadia by Eleanor Jones, Universität der Künste Berlin, July 2017.
- In between I have been: these/thoseand/orall/none it,has/been,wasat different and/or each of the same [type(s) (of)] time(s).
- The project consists of an interactive space, based on the concept of biofeedback.
- Two Women, multimedia installation by Ha Na Lee
- Jarmick, Martin. I'll Make Myself A Memory. Center for Digital Art & Experimental Media (DXARTS). 2015.
- Joel Ong
- Confronting Us 2014
- Vestiges II ver.2, interactive multimedia installation by Ha Na Lee, CURRENTS: Santa Fe's Annual International New Media Festival, Santa Fe, NM (June - July 2014)
- Site Machines by Tivon Rice - Site Specific Multimedia Installation at Seattle’s Suyama Space - Live video, neon, kinetic sculpture, and sound
- Convex Mirror, public art installation by Robert Twomey, South Lake Union, Seattle, (December 2013 - February 2014)
- distant light, interactive media installation
- Searle's Room, speech and drawing system, Robert Twomey (2013)
- Between This Image, Martin Jarmick, 2013
- Arcade Zero by Tivon Rice - Multimedia Installation at The Seoul Museum of Art's Nanji Gallery - Real-time audio and video, kinetic sculpture, video projection, neon
- Solipsist, interactive artwork by Robert Twomey, (2012)
- Inmi Lee, Kyle McDonald, Mother, 2012
- Entanglement, telematic sound installation by Juan Pampin, Eunsu Kang, Joel S. Kollin (2008)
- Pampin, Juan, Joel S. Kollin, and Eunsu Kang. "Applications of Ultrasonic Sound Beams in Performance and Sound Art". Proceedings of the joint 33rd International Computer Music Conference, Copenhagen, Denmark, (2007): 492-495. Print.
- Death Valley by Eleanor Jones, Nida Art Colony, September 2016.
- Cameron Fraser. Large String Array: installation, Jack Straw Gallery, University of Washington; 2020
- "Untitled" American Dream Project
- The Two Passing Times_in progress
- Media: Networked Sculpture (Xbee wireless communication), EEG machine (Electroencephalography)
- Anniu the world saving ship
- Time and Time Again, an exhibition by Leo Nuñez & Juan Pampin
- Kisic Aguirre, Nicolás. Realidad Mutada. 2022, Department of Digital Arts and Experimental Media, University of Washington Seattle.
- Post Internet & Video Art
- Multi-audio channels installation
- Chun Shao, Dec 2017
- Chun Shao, May 2017
- Aural Tracing (ongoing)
- Container Study, a 3D Sound Installation
- up and down, 3 channel sound and 2 video channel instillation,(2018 ...)