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Ambisonics and 3-D Audio Playback Systems

  • DXARTS Sound Lab layout mockup
    DXARTS Sound Lab layout geometry mockup.
  • DXARTS Media Lab layout mockup
    DXARTS Media Lab speaker and acoustic paneling layout mockup.
  • DXARS Sound Lab under construction: coincident laser measurement for distance calibration.
    DXARS Sound Lab under construction: coincident laser measurement for distance calibration.
  • Recording speaker responses for generating correction filters.
    Recording speaker responses for generating correction filters.
  • 3D microphone gathering impulse responses for digital room correction.
    3D microphone gathering impulse responses for digital room correction.
  • DXARTS Media Lab construction.
    DXARTS Media Lab construction: mounting elevation speakers to match a spherical T-Design.
Ambisonics and 3-D Audio Playback Systems

DXARTS hosts three advanced sound lab facilities, each serving unique needs for soundfield reconstruction in research, production, performance and educational contexts.  The labs have been designed and constructed for optimal reproduction of 3D audio while maintaining flexibility to host numerous playback scenarious as required by the each new project.  Research is ongoing in acoustic and digital room correction solutions as well as developing and optimizing soundfield decoding and processing techniques, giving artists access to advanced tools for composition and spatial transformation. Each speaker array can be configured through custom software that allows the user to flexibly audition various soundfield decoders and routing configurations.
