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Pełna imersja: rzeczywistość czy utopia? [Full immersion: reality or utopia?]

Glissando 16 (2010)
Glissando 16 (2010)
Trębacz, Ewa. "Pełna imersja: rzeczywistość czy utopia? Technologie przestrzenne z punktu widzenia artysty." ["Full immersion: reality or utopia? Artist's perspective on spatial technologies."] Glissando 16 (2010): 44-48. Print. Language: Polish.

Glissando is a Polish contemporary music magazine. One of the main themes of the 16th edition of Glissando was space.

Two researchers from DXARTS, Ewa Trębacz and Joseph Anderson, contributed their articles. Among others, their essays  discuss various approaches to sound spatialization, focusing on 3D sound and ambisonics, and practical applications of these techniques to their artistic work. Ewa Trębacz's article also discusses the reappearance of 3D video in the first decade of 21st century, and potential applications of  immersive techniques to experimental art. 

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