RhinoScript to generate gears
- Download the gearGen rhino script and unzip: http://www.rayflectar.com/Rhino/RhinoScripts-Gallery.htm
- To install in Rhino, Select Tools->Options.
- In the options window, select 'RhinoScript' under 'Rhino Options'.
- Click New, and find the gearGen(Rhino V4).rvb file you just downloaded. This should add the gearGen script to the files that are loaded when Rhino starts. Click OK.
- Restart Rhino.
- Tools->RhinoScript->Run. Select gearGen in the 'Run Script Subroutine' window.
- Select the pitch circle. (this circle is the midpoint running through the teeth. The circle at which the gears mesh. You can draw this circle at this point with the Circle tool.
- Specify Teeth, Module, Pitch, PressAngle, Bevel, Accuracy as desired.
- Voila
- Use the laser cutter?
OpenSCAD for Pulleys and Gears
Download and install OpenSCAD. This is a free program for both Windows and OS X.
OpenSCAD Workflow
- Download .scad file for the kind of pulley you want. Load file in OpenSCAD
- Tweak the design parameters.
- Compile and Render (F6) to see the 3d model.
- Export as .STL file.
- Generally you will fabricate these parts with the 3d printer.
- Open with ReplicatorG software.
- Follow typical ReplicatorG workflow to get this printed.
Parametric Timing-Belt Pulley
- Adapted from Thingiverse http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:16627. Can specify belt profile, teeth, inner and outer diameters (ID, OD), captive nut for set-screw shaft-mount, etc. Mine uses a captive #4-40 nut instead of an M3.
- openscad script: Download file "Pulley_T-MXL-XL-HTD-GT2_N-tooth_INCH.scad"
- STL file with MXL profile, 28 teeth, 0.25", captive #4 nut: Download file "mxl_28_inch_corr.stl"
Idler Pulley
- From Thingiverse http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:5620
- slightly edited by robert.
Download file "printable_pulley_rdt.scad"
Online Gear Generator
Gear Template Generator
Produces downloadable image files, which can be fabricated.
Typically fabricated out of wood or acrylic on the laser cutter.
Worm Gears
- http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:8821
Helical Gears
- http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:1339
Further Resources
- Scour Thingiverse and the internet for OpenSCAD models.
- For examples of simple machines and complex chains of gearing, see KMODDL, which has downloadable STL files and CAD Models.
- GrabCAD for full CAD designs.