Fields of Interest
Umut Gunduz is a British born Turkish artist whose PhD research at the University of Washington focuses on the relationship between the living and the digital. Within his practice, he uses video game technologies, photogrammetry software, and other digital tools in order to create what he calls speculative anatomies—artificially rendering things dead as a kind of performance. For this, he uses the autobiographical, and specifically, self-portraiture as a means of meditating on his own existence post-mortem. These versions of himself are perforation through which the body, an element of which is digital, is leaked into the environment.
His extensive background in film and sound plays major influence in his work, informing his aesthetic choices both within the industry and as an educational tutor.
2022 - PhD Visual and Performing Arts, UW, USA
2020 - MA Fine Art, UCA, UK
2008 - BA HONS Sound Art and Design, UAL, UK
2023 (Upcoming) Savage Alms, Mini Mart City Park, Seattle
2023 DX Arts at Freeway Park, Freeway Park, Seattle
2021 At the End Pier, I Died, Brewery Tap Project Space, Folkstone
2021 Memory Palace Thanet, Turner Contemporary, Margate
2020 Margate Kebab Map, Margate NOW, Margate
2020 Hant, Lewisham Arthouse, London
2019 Collider (No Headstone), Joseph Wales, Margate
2018 The Reminiscent Bells, Joseph Wales, Margate
2018 Aflojar La Cuerda, River Garage Studio, Dover
2018 Pint Sized, Brewery Tap, Folkstone
2018 Superposition, Well Projects, Margate
2019 UCA Canterbury , BA Creative Coding, BA Industrial Design,
2019 UCA Rochester, BA Computer Animation Arts, BA Game Design, BA TV Production
2016 Point Blank Music School London, Diploma Electronic Music Production