Following instructions from here:
1. Download ZXing library from google code:
2. Unzip the library. on my machine, I open terminal and type:
a. cd ~/Downloads
b. unzip
c. mv zxing-1.6 ~/code
3. run ant to build core.jar:
a. cd ~/code/zxing-1.6/core
b. ant
4. run ant to build javase.jar:
a. cd ~/code/zxhing-1.6/javase
b. ant
5. Create a new Processing sketch. Use the "Sketch -> Add File" menu and add both core.jar and javase.jar files to the project. You'll need to add both these files to every project in which you use ZXing.
6. Try demo sketch:
7. NOTE you will need to use the Tools->Create Font tool to create the SansSerif-48.vlw font used in the demo, plus you will need an O'Reilly book with a QR code on the cover : )