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HC-SR04 Ultrasonic Rangefinder

HC-SR04 Ultrasonic Rangefinder (datasheet)


Field of View

How it Works

(from the datasheet)
A brief HIGH pulse (10uS or longer) on the Trigger pin (
Trig) triggers the ping pulse train. A short while later an echo pulse is returned on the echo pin (Echo). The distance/range to the target is proportional to the width of the echo pulse according to the equations in the image above.

Hardware Setup

Pin Connections
HC-SR04Arduino UNO
Trig trigPin
Echo echoPin
NOTE: This is a 5V device. The Arduino FIO does not have a 5V supply. If you are using an external battery pack or power supply with the FIO that does have 5V, you should be able to use this device.


This is adapted from Examples-06.Sensors-Ping.