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CAD to .STL in Rhino

CAD to .STL in Rhino

Create a solid object and check that it’s closed

  • Create a solid object in Rhino

  • Check the object using the “what” command; look for the words "closed" and "valid".

Results of "what" command for solid


Create a mesh version of the object and move it to its own layer

  • Select the object

  • Create a mesh version (Mesh>From NURBS Object)

  • In the dialog box, move the slider all the way to the right (More polygons) and click OK

  • Select the mesh object (not the original object) and move it to a new layer

  • If the mesh object is not resting in a stable position on the construction plane, reorient it

  • Check to be sure the mesh is closed by running the “what” command; look for language like “Closed polygon mesh”  (See note below)

  • Save your Rhino model

Results of "what" command for mesh


Export the mesh object to an STL file

  • Select the mesh object only

  • File>Export selected

  • In the dialog box, Name the file and in the dropdown list “Save as Type”, select “STL (Stereolithography) (*.stl)”.  Then click Save

  • In the dialog box that appears, choose Binary; also be sure the “Export open objects” box is NOT checked. Click OK

 Dialog for export to STL

 Note:  Your 3D print job will succeed only if the object defined by your STL file is “closed”.  Conceptually, this means that your mesh has no gaps or holes; that it is “watertight”.