Fields of Interest
I'm interested in how we can encode and transmit thoughts, and other biological information. I work with cells, some physics, people, and information theory for this. My research is in the direction of a biological internet, and context invariant computation. I use entropy networks as a basis for computation, from the entropy nor model.
I developed a nano-laser system for directing neuron outgrowth, which can be used to construct neural circuits. From a theoretical perspective, I developed a physical model for information transfer and computation, based on entropy networks. In these Planck-scale networks we found an entropy NOR gate, indicating that functional completeness emerges on the smallest of physical sizes. Using nano-optics and optogenetics we can build neural circuits, and were able to accomplish free space neurotransmission.
My early work a laser-based augmented reality system portableroad while at the State University of New York
It is important for social economies to decouple economic growth from material consumption, and this is one main reason to pursue augmented reality. In this purpose I contribute to circularity estimator instrument for CO2 using machine learning. I seek to develop social consensus through spatial computation and move toward a normative instrument on the ethical dimensions of artificial intelligence.
My PhD was with Zhenjiang Miao at Beijing Jiaotong University, on the topic of observation networks and a biological internet. At Beijing Sports University I worked in electrophysiology to develop a single neuron decoder with Li Zhao, and an optigenetic version at the Bio-X Institute.