Contact Information
Billie Grace oversees the day-to-day operations at the Center for Digital Arts and Experimental Media (DXARTS). Her responsibilities include: planning and managing state/gift/grant budgets, establishing financial, purchasing and personnel policies and procedures, overseeing payroll (hiring, leave, tenure/promotions, time sheets, and termination), academic advising, reconciliation of purchasing and travel expenses, constructing and updating the time schedule, acting as the facility and safety coordinator, and connecting faculty/staff/students with other offices and departments on campus.
Billie graduated from the University of Washington with a BFA in Art History (2001) and a Master’s in Library and Information Science (2010). She began working at the UW in 2000 for Dean’s Office in the School of Public Health, and joined DXARTS in 2007. Her expansive knowledge of contemporary arts, and information processing/management/retrieval help connect New Media artists to information and technology across multiple disciplines.