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Ewa Trębacz's Article Depth Modulation: Composing Motion in Immersive Audiovisual Spaces, published in Organized Sound 17.2 (2012)

Submitted by Jacob M Lambert on July 27, 2012 - 12:00am

A new article by Ewa Trebacz, titled "Depth Modulation: Composing Motion in Immersive Audiovisual Spaces", has been published in Organised Sound 17.2 (2012). The article focuses on applications of immersive audiovisual media to experimental art, in particular in the context of so-called Visual Music

  • Trebacz, Ewa. "Depth Modulation: Composing Motion in Immersive Audiovisual Spaces". Organised Sound 17.2 (2012): 156-162.


An International Journal of Music and Technology

Organised Sound is an international peer-reviewed journal which focuses on the rapidly developing methods and issues arising from the use of technology in music today. It concentrates upon the impact which the application of technology is having upon music in a variety of genres, including multimedia, performance art, sound sculpture and music ranging from popular idioms to experimental electroacoustic composition. It provides a unique forum for anyone interested in electroacoustic music studies, its creation and related developments to share the results of their research as they affect musical issues. 


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