Stelios Manousakis is presenting a paper titled 'WLAN trilateration for musical echolocation in the installation ‘The Network Is A Blind Space’' at this year's New Interfaces for Musical Expression International Conference (NIME 2012), in Ann Arbor, Michigan (21-23 May 2012).
Paper abstract
This paper presents the system and technology developed for the distributed, micro-telematic, interactive sound art installation, The Network Is A Blind Space. The piece uses sound to explore the physical yet invisible electromagnetic spaces created by Wireless Local Area Networks (WLANs). To this end, the author created a framework for indoor WiFi localization, providing a variety of control data for various types of ‘musical echolocation’. This data, generated mostly by visitors exploring the installation while holding WiFi-enabled devices, is used to convey the hidden properties of wireless networks as dynamic spaces through an artistic experience.
About the conference
The International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression (NIME) is an annual interdisciplinary conference discussing contemporary topics in electronic musical interface design, research and practice. The NIME conference started out as a workshop at the Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI) in 2001, and has grown into one of the largest and most vital international conferences within the field of music technology.
The NIME conference brings together researchers and practitioners from a range of academic fields including computer science, electrical engineering, human-computer interaction, musicology, electro-acoustic music, dance and composition, and has routinely attracted interest from electronic music industry as well.
More information and conference program here