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DXARTS 460 A: Digital Sound

Meeting Time: 
MW 12:30pm - 2:20pm
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EWA TRĘBACZ. Photo credit: Tomasz Fronckiewicz.
Ewa Trębacz

Additional Details:

In Spring 2021, DXARTS 460 will be offered only online, via Zoom.

This class is fully interactive.  Students must attend the Zoom meetings in order to participate in this class. 

Class meetings will NOT be automatically recorded.

Attendance and active participation is required.

DXARTS 46x series (a.k.a. Sound Series) consists of the following courses:

  • DXARTS 460 Digital Sound 
  • DXARTS 461 Digital Sound Synthesis 
  • DXARTS 462 Digital Sound Processing (prerequisite: DXARTS 461)
  • DXARTS 463 Advanced Digital Sound Synthesis and Processing (prerequisite: DXARTS 462)

For most students we recommend beginning with DXARTS 460.  

It is a project-based course focused on creating electroacoustic sound compositionsAmong other things, this first course lays down the basic conceptual foundations for working with Digital Sound. These foundations are both technical and aesthetic, including a review of important musical examples, the fundamentals of acoustics, psychoacoustics and digital sound theory and basics of recording techniques. 

 A few musical examples of computer music in the Western "Art Music" tradition, available through the UW Library below. If you are off campus, and would like to access Naxos Music Library (NMLP) via UW Library, you would need to download Husky OnNet software, which will allow for a secure connection to the UW network:

When you run the program, you need to select "All Internet Traffic" instead of "UW Campus Network Traffic Only". 

DXARTS 460: What is it not?

  • It is not a course in multi-track studio recording.
  • It is not a course in the use of MIDI keyboards, synthesizers, or sequencing.
  • It is not a course in analog synthesis.
  • It is not a course on popular song arranging or specific techniques used in dance music, techno, etc.
  • It is not a course on DJ-ing.
  • It is not a course on sound design for theater or film.
  • It is certainly NOT a quick and easy way to get 5 credits.
Catalog Description: 
Foundations of digital sound for digital arts applications. Project-based course focused on creating experimental sound compositions. Overview of the history of electronic music and analysis of important works from its canon. Acoustics, psychoacoustics and digital sound theory. Digital signal processing and recording techniques. Multi-track, recording, editing, mixing, and mastering using Digital Audio Workstations (DAW). Offered: Sp.
GE Requirements: 
Arts and Humanities (A&H)
Last updated: 
February 9, 2021 - 11:56am